230 MW Garadag Solar PV Plant (Area 60)
As part of the project, earthworks, digging of cable channels, filling of main external and internal roads, leveling of the surface of the area from 001 to 011, bricklaying of various types of cable channels were carried out. In addition, inverters, NQ transformers, Fencing, Grossing, and concrete works were carried out in NQ cable channels. In addition to providing fine coarse sand for cable ducts, electrical cable marking tape was also carried out.
As a third-party company, Holchim, KBT and Unique Lab performed tests during the project. The entire ticketing and construction installation phase of the project was inspected by HAS Technik's Quality Assurance and Quality Control department and other leading companies. At the end of the project, all work was handed over to PMC and DEC, who replaced the Customer's representative.